Monday, April 27, 2009

Just one of those days!!!

Have you ever had a day when, no matter how good you tried to be, things just didn't work out? Actually it wasn't the WHOLE day, just the portion during which I tried to make this block. This is the block for our guild's outgoing president and it looks fairly easy, doesn't it? Well, it would be if one could follow instructions! As it happens, I got it all put together and looked at it and thought "Something is wrong here". I looked back at the pattern and discovered that I have left a gold 1/2 square triangle off. DRAT! So I unsewed the offending portion, sewed on the missing triangle and put the block back together. Success!! (almost) You see, as I was checking for stray threads I happened to clip one off and in the process cut a hole in the fabric. EGADS! So I unsewed the offending portion, sewed on the new piece without a hole, and put the block back together. Success again!! (almost) It seems that while I was doing all this checking and what-not I failed to notice that the green portions had the selvedge edge still on them. This is not good at all. Since the block has to be signed, the guild president will know who made it and I didn't want her to think that I am a rotten quilter so - you guessed it - I unsewed the offending portions, cut new ones, and put the block back together. Finally, real success.

I also finished a wall hanging for my grandson who is a big fan of University of Illinois' Fighting Illini. I named it "Path to the Playoffs".

Now I need to look throught the stuff I brought back from down South and decide what to work on next. My Love of Quilting mag just came in the mail so I may have to take a break and look at it. Oh Wow, my Nancy's Notions catalog came too. What a treasure trove today!

1 comment:

  1. Well quilting gran, I have had days like this too. It seems like nothing goes right. Where do you winter in Florida? I live in FL, so I just wondered. Hope you can finish your block with success.

