Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy, Happy.......

I'm so happy today. The weather is gorgeous, the sky is blue and no rain until tomorrow. The only cloud in my sky is the fact that my sweet mother-in-law is in the hospital. As she was putting on her shoes yesterday, her foot slipped and she tumbled to the floor. Thru the grace of God, she didn't break anything but she did crack her tailbone. Since she is 94 and lives alone, she will be staying in the hospital for a few days until she can get up and down by herself.

And, yes, we have tried to talk her into assisted living or something where she would have people to look after her but she insists she can take care of herself. Bless her heart, I understand that she doesn't want to give up her home and her independence but we are all concerned that she will fall again and break something for sure.

On a lighter note, I have been intending to post a photo of a double wedding ring quilt that was made by my honey's grandmother and aunts. I feel so fortunate that I was given this quilt.

His sister was given a beautiful appliqued quilt in the dogwood pattern.

How wonderful to have heirloom quilts such as these in the famly.


  1. Wow what beautiful quilts! Such family heirlooms. So sorry about your mother in law. Hope she has a speedy recovery.

  2. Amazing to have two family heirlooms - they are both amazing.
