Saturday, July 17, 2010

Crazy month so far

I'm usually a pretty upbeat kind of gal, but July is apparently not my month. It started on the 2nd with my husband wrecking our truck which we used to pull our travel trailer. Since it was 14 years old we had dropped the insurance back to liability only. But it was still worth around $6000 and all we got was the salvage value - $1500. Okay, so we're dealing with that. Next we decide that we are not going to buy another truck so we have to sell the camper:-( Bummer! At least the people who bought it were very nice and I'm sure they will take good care of it. I'll miss it. On top of those things, my back has really been hurting so I went to the chiropractor, he took x-rays, and wouldn't you know, I'm getting old! Arthritis and degenerative discs are the problem so he is working on getting the pain levels down. Oh yeah, plus , my birthday is this month and I have a feeling no one is going to believe me when I tell them I'm 39 again! I've been doing a little quilting. Let me show you.

This is for Project Linus:
This is one for Scott Air Force Base Hospital.

This is fabric that I had in the stash for a while and finally decided to get it out and get going.

This is the block made with the fabrics above. Not sure yet about sashing strips but it's a start.

Well, I guess I'll go cut some more pieces for this. Have a great day.

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